Thursday, April 24, 2008

ترجموا ولاحظوا

Yeah New Zealand! Greatest places ever in New Zealand, and the people and the wildlife, it was definitely worth the trip to New Zealand and I would totally go again in a heartbeat!~

OK, now how did this rumor get started? You might think that I started the rumor that I traveled to New Zealand, from watching me talk about my visit. You would be wrong!

Around my birthday, I showed up at the local Phi Delta Theta chapter and was greeted by about 15 different people (some brothers, some independent) who all heard from some source that I was in New Zealand! They were all pretty sure that the story was true, so they assumed that I had actually just arrived back from New Zealand: they should know from the size of my beard that I have not really been to New Zealand.

I would have an enormous beard if I had actually spent any time in such a faraway place! Anyway, I am quite sure that New Zealand is a fine destination from photographs and I don't want to discourage anyone from spending their tourist dollars in New Zealand, and since I don't have any concise and repeatable explanation that doesn't leave people with unanswered questions (I hate that)

New Zealand is Great! You should totally go if you ever have the chance!

Friday, July 20, 2007

أبحث عن العمل

كلمة "مرحب" هي قريبة جدا من كلمة "مرهب" وهذه الكلمة مشتق كـ"ارهابي" بنفس الأصل. يا الله اهتمام!
انتهت اليوم، وقد وجدت وظيفة سأنام الآن أفضل.

Monday, June 4, 2007

كتابة بالأنبرنت


انا اسمي كنك وانا طالب في جامعة RIT في مدينة روجستر في ولاية نيويورك، هنا في بلد امريكا جميل جدا!

من اللازم أن أركز فكرتي لأسباب تنظيم وأخترت صفحة في كتاب الوجوه لمرحلة.
My Facebook Page

لو حياتي كتاب ثم هده الصفحة سطار. يصف لي شخصيا بطريقة التي أقدم نفسي.

مذكرات حياتي وأعمال فيها كتبنا في بلوج، ومقالات التي أكتب فيه. هذا صفحة بلوج لدراسة اللغة العربية مع أصدقاءي في مدينة روجستر وأمكان آخر بالأنترنت. لي بعض بلوج آخر يطلق "طبقة السادسة":

The Sixth Layer

هذا بلوج يكتب في لغة الإنكليزية دائما لأنها لغة التجارة ولغة التي أشغل فيها غالبا.

Saturday, May 26, 2007


originally uploaded by bvjenterprizes.
Kingdon turned into his father!